Katie & Bob (Baby Jack)

Baby Jack 12/10/2017

This was baby number two for these amazing parents. With her previous labor she felt very distressed and disappointed that so many things had happened and she felt not all of these situations were necessarily required. Katie was ready for this baby and knew how she wanted her labor to proceed. Katie went into labor and went to the hospital pretty quickly where she was checked and admitted for active labor. Not much progression happened that first night, we walked the halls and bounced all around on the birthing ball. She rested for the night and woke up to a much more active labor. At this point she was ready to start her Pitocin. She continued to progress as the Pitocin was increased. Things were starting to get more uncomfortable for Katie so she requested for the epidural. Once the epidural was in place it wasn’t long before she felt that pushy urge. Bob and I coached Katie through a few long good pushes and then baby boy Jack was born! Shortly after big brother Ryan and Auntie meet the new precious addition. Katie did a fantastic job controlling her labor and delivering little Jack earthside! Such a wonderful family with a perfect new little addition.  


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